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but feel 'blocked' when it comes to actually doing it?
If so... you don't need yet another business or marketing course.
What you need is... to figure out what is blocking you at a subconscious level...
And rewire it - to get your subconscious mind working for you instead of against you.
it's easy to get unstuck & into inspired action* in a matter of weeks, or even days.
And it doesn't even have to be hard.
(*the kind of visible, consistent action that will build momentum in your business; bringing you the clients, money and lifestyle you long for 🤸🏽♂)
So capable... true experts in their fields,
who get great results for their clients…
Paralysed in frustrating cycles of procrastination, confusion & overwhelm when it comes to:
What I have seen countless times, in myself, my colleagues & my clients, is that this stuckness...
(when we DO actually know what to do, but we're just not doing it...)
is actually the mind’s very clever way of ‘protecting' us from perceived ‘harm'
By the time people come to me, they have often worked their way through multiple business & marketing programs.
It's kind of like... they have all the roadmaps to success, but somehow they're still struggling to get underway.
They think the issue is that they have the wrong map - or method...
But they are completely unaware of how their vision of 'success' appears to their subconscious mind... (see graphic)
And, as a result, whatever method they apply, they will remain stuck.
when actually you know perfectly well how to get organised & exactly what to do - you just... ain’t doin’ it...
Remember those reams and reams of unpublished sales pages and kick-ass writing you 'forgot' to post…?
e.g. realising you desperately need to spring-clean the house top-to-bottom the week before launching a new offer 🥸
Lengthy lie-ins, or a sudden inability to get out of bed, anyone? (Oh yes, I've been there, too...)
Cycles of feast & famine, under-charging & over-delivering & discomfort in talking about money can all be symptoms of underlying money blocks yourself or a loved one (one of my daughters ended up in hospital the first two times I launched this very program. Coincidence? I think not. 😱)
...we can get on with offering our products & services and making the difference we know deep down we are capable of in this world.
It IS possible to change your habits, & show up consistently in your business ethically marketing your services, in the old fashioned way, day by day, trial and error style...
You'll get there in the end (if you don't give up, that is).
But let me tell you -- it is a whole lot easier when you get your subconscious mind working for you, instead of against you.
You'll save yourself a whole lot of effort & struggle if you subconsciously wire in -SAFETY- to you getting what you want.
And that, my loves, is where Ignite Your Power comes in. 🥰
A 3 month group RTT mindset & empowerment immersion for ethical entrepreneurs & change-makers who are ready to:
Uncover the root cause of blockages and resistance in a relaxed state of hypnosis & wire in powerful new beliefs that will support you in your mission - with Rapid Transformational Therapy.
To support you as you integrate the healing being undertaken, and answer any questions that might arise as participants start to implement new habits, behaviours, and embody their new identity.
Because 95% of behaviour is controlled by the subconscious mind…
(which remembers every bad thing that has ever happened in our lives, with the sole purpose of avoiding it happening again, in order to keep us alive)
Because you have a unique set of skill, abilities and talents that can make a specific difference that no one else can offer... It has to be you.
Because the old ways are crumbling, and it is time for good people like you and I to step up & usher in a new era of community-building, collaboration, and kindness.
Humanity needs to embody the change we wish to see, right now more than ever.
...and you are still finding yourself making every excuse in the book instead of implementing.
I would wager that something happened in your past, (or even a past life) that caused you to believe certain things...
...and you may have no idea these beliefs are there.
But they are.
And they are stopping you from creating the life & business you desire.
We human beings are tribal creatures. When an individual is born he or she has one important job to do: to learn how to be part of the tribe.
Our cave-man/woman brain simply cannot risk being rejected, as, if left to fend for oneself outside the safety of the village, rejection would lead to certain death, by starvation, sabre-tooth tiger, or the hand of a hostile neighbour.
To that end, we essentially 'download' beliefs about who we are, our place in the world, what is available to us, and much more besides, from our parents and the other adults in our community. This set of beliefs functions like a 'rule-book' for how to be a member of the tribe, keeping us away from harm.
...and thus, come to believe.
(and a plan with which to go about giving your gifts) could imagine that you excitedly download & install a program onto your computer entitled:
Now... this program might download and appear on the screen...
(the screen being your conscious mind in this analogy)...
But... if it goes against, or is not supported by your particular belief system…
Then… Thanks to your unique blend of past experiences and beliefs... will likely crash, or glitch and not run correctly; resulting in...
the stop/start, brake pedal/gas pedal feeling...
...that we experience as resistance and self-sabotage.
Your mind is 'doing a Vicky Pollard' on you. . .
Perhaps because as a child you were not exposed to examples of healthily successful people, which naturally caused your 8-year old mind to understand that “success is not available to people like me”.
Then when you attempt to run the program for success later in life, it glitches or crashes.
You subconscious mind has zero sense of humour. Everything is a matter of life & death. If you were told that ‘money won’t buy you happiness’, so when you start making money in your business, you subconsciously freak out and start splurging, taking you safely back to your comfort zone, whether that is zero, below zero, or another “comfortable” feeling amount.
Or you didn’t receive the unconditional love and care that every child deserves, causing you to believe on a subconscious level that “I am not worthy of good things”. Or, “I have to be quiet/good/___ to be loved.”
Or you mispronounced something in your French class, and the whole class ridiculed you & called you names for the rest of the term, leaving you with the belief: “It’s not safe to speak in public”. Or, “it's not safe to make mistakes”
Whatever it was for you...
(the beauty of this work is that everyone’s story is different)...
if the program you are trying to run...
e.g. ‘success in your business’, ‘visibility’, 'making good money'
is not supported by the operating system
(your inherited belief system)…
it will likely not run correctly, and you will encounter resistance.
It sounds exhausting, and it really is.
When... you access the level at which they operate - the level of the subconscious.
(which is easy using a modality such as hypnosis)
Ignite Your Power is a six month group mindset immersion & empowerment experience for ethical entrepreneurs & change-makers ready to take their businesses to the next level.
spread over six months
paid in advance
This is exceptionally good value for the transformation on offer.
Some people charge much more for much less supportive offerings.
(This is a conscious decision on my part as I want to make this programme as accessible as possible for people; at all stages and from all backgrounds.)
Because I am serious about participants integrating & implementing this healing work,
and... because I want to build a supportive community for all involved,
I am offering lifetime access…
Not only to the hypnosis recordings, so you can revisit them the next time you up-level... (Yep, I'm sorry to say this mindset work never ends, but it *does* get easier, particularly with access to the right support),
But also…
NOW with the added bonus of lifetime* monthly mindset support in the form of drop-in Q&A’s for all alumni.
* The lifetime of Ignite, that is. Please note: it is my intention that this, my flagship program grow & grow -- so you, as the third cohort will be among the founding members.
Copyright © 2021 Betty Cottam Bertels | Rapid Transformation Coach - All Rights Reserved.
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